The Professional Man Handlers
Rose and Taylor have created ReBrand Man to be a resource for men. Imagine having two older, stylish sisters who just want to help you succeed at life. They have created simple, effective methods for men’s improvement. From fashion to decorum they believe that each man has a brand; a story to tell.
Women Who Love Men
As strong intellectual and existential women, they know how to help you brand yourself to be and present your best self.
What People Are Saying
“I never thought about my personal ‘brand’. Working with Rose and Taylor showed me the ways I was mis-representing and [frankly] underselling myself. More importantly they gave me the insight I needed to present my authentic ‘brand’. ”
“Finally, I feel like being a man’s-man in today’s society is okay. A man’s-man can also be a woman’s-man with a few small adjustments.”